Aaron's Waterfall World
Wednesday, 10 December 2008
A Dark Knight
I'm pretty pumped after watching the Dark Knight for the second time in the last two days.  If anyone hasn't seen this movie yet you NEED to see it.  It's probably one of the ten best movies I've ever seen and Heath Ledger as the Joker is every bit as good as the hype.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have a movie to watch . . . again.

Posted by aaronswaterfallworld at 5:32 PM EST
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
Snow coming
Mood:  happy
The weather forecast is calling for snow this weekend, possibly down to sea level.  The good news is, when that snow melts, some of the lowland waterfalls like Hard Scrabble and Bulson Creek will have lots of water going over them.  Could be a good opportunity for some winter waterfalling in the near future.

Posted by aaronswaterfallworld at 4:34 PM EST
Monday, 8 December 2008
Peek-A-Boo Falls
Mood:  irritated
Well, winter weather is finally on its way and with it comes the end to a lot of waterfall hunting for the year.  There are still some lowland falls that I'm hoping to get to this winter but I took advantage of the relatively nice weather this past Saturday and headed into a new waterfall that comes out of Peek-A-Boo Lake a little south of Darrington.  I was pretty sure there was a waterfall there based on the Topo map and I was correct.  Check out the new page for it on the main site.

Posted by aaronswaterfallworld at 10:06 PM EST

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