RATING - 55.2
Mile Falls is a long, complex series of cascading drops located on Eight
Mile Creek. The waterfall can be accessed via a short, steep bushwhack
from the Eight Mile Trail.
The falls begin with a 40' tall sliding drop. From there it drops over
the major part of the falls, the pretty 123' tall sliding drop seen to the
left. This is followed by a 15' drop and then further sliding drops of
43' and 37' in height. The falls finish with a 79' tall, nearly
vertical finale. Add it all up and you get 369' worth of waterfall.
While the individual drops are pretty, it's impossible to see any two tiers
together. In addition, as you climb further down the creek, the going
becomes much more difficult and more dangerous. Luckily the best drop
is near the top and it's substanitally easier to view than the bottom parts
(although it's still no picnic). If you must visit, I would recommend
checking out the main drop and then climbing back up to the trail the way
you came. The lower drops are nice, but getting back to the trail from
down there is a chore. |
